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Off meta adcs bot lane If you are in a duo, you can co ordinate so that you can roam like a bard for kills up mid and ult back down to bot lane for another gank back into lane. All of these are playable and can work. So, it’s not He likes pickong her when I pick Bard, cause he well knows that after my level3 I won't be in lane, lamao. Let's chat about Rengar and Ivern. Pros Good all around champ especially against engage supports. net Dec 26, 2024 · Why settle for the same predictable picks in League of Legends when there’s a whole world of off-meta ADCs waiting to shine? The bot lane has long been dominated by traditional marksmen, but unconventional champions can bring surprising strengths that shake up the meta and catch opponents off guard. 17 is here and it introduced bringing some changes to the bot lane and overall meta of the game. We did a game Ryze Skarner duo bot, and we somehow managed to not feed, other lanes fed before I could scale unfortunately, and mid lane was god awful. They gave on-hit ADCs access to magic damage, so I can see all the on-hits becoming the best. I decided to make a short 5 minute guide on how to play this off meta pair. “But what if ADCs like Samira and Kai’sa got buffed and then became good again. See full list on leaguefeed. One of my frequent successes is Talon. Sep 2, 2024 · League of Legends Patch 14. Mar 2, 2024 · In this post, I’ll go over the 15 best off-meta ADCs in League of Legends. ADC's got gutted by the changes, being basically dog shit before late game. The 8 Best Off-Meta ADCs in LoL; Goals of each lane. Taliyah is my personal favorite off meta support. Been enjoying a lot of Taliyah and Ahri bot lane, but have been considering trying some other fun/good off-meta picks such as Yi or Irelia. if you're melee support, then biding your time and waiting for the right moment to engage is vital. Good at laning bot. annie + pyke zilean + veigar ziggs + veigar (kaboom goes the enemy adc) jhin + ashe senna + xerath (death from far) and lately, we played void bot lane kaisa + reksai (well, it's a 5 stack and we all played void with chogath belveth and malzahar) Here's input from a master off-meta ADC main, (mainly I play fasting Senna but I've had my fair share of Kayle Gaming™) Kayle dragon lane will hit her power-spike later than other lanes because share exp like above comment mentioned, that being said, there's a lot of in game variances. Bot is going to need to be able to deal with ganks, or help with ganks. I know ppl hate him and he isn't too off meta, but into a double adc bot lane (Ashe, twitch, miss fortune or even senna) he is sooo underrated. Anivia throws up a wall and poppy slams them into it, guaranteed kill with your combined burst and lockdown on any bot target, even tank sups. And when I don't play bot lane I have no struggle winning games, as can easily be verified by the fact that I hit D4 very quickly on an account where I played ADCs on mid lane despite those picks being extremely off-meta, while my bot lane winrate was abysmal, unsurprisingly, despite being my best role. Kindred is definately an off meta pick and not an ADC you Sure why not, back in the day adc were mid laner I think varus was released as mid laner once upon a time, it’s much harder now though with the meta so you’d have to pretty good or at least knowalable of the game or the jg will run you over, also be prepared to only play vs ahri and victor, do what you want have fun just don’t blame team If your adc player is an earlier pick they should strive for the safest pick, if your ADC is towards the end they can think more along the lines of "Do we need tank shredding or do we need a bursty adc" something like that, point is in the current meta , not a single adc thinks about winning, they're only thinking of the high they get when they Also an honorable mention is teemo. Ziggs is really the only one with a noticeable pick rate and good win rate worth talking about, but most everyone already knows Ziggs does well bot lane. Also a winning bot lane will snowball easier with jungle. His CC filled kit makes him great for offensive ganks or I'm hating the "she sucks bot" from meta slaves lol not everyhting has to be meta, even meta champs have 55% chances to win at best, and 45% chance to lose. Mar 2, 2024 · Read Also: Top 15 Best Off-Meta ADCs. They would go bot and force 2v1 or force the duo rotation to make them 2v2 in the bot lane. What off meta pick bot lane would be worth to consider? As title say, I play Taric but supporting normal marksman can be rough considering how often your E go wasted and you can't blind pick Taric in every situation because of that and the chance to be counter picked to oblivion. Good with lethality ADCs since his E gives armor shred but it's negligible Consistent - Brand Nami. Kindred adc is off meta but it still works into the right matchup and if u start snowballing its an easy win since its like any adc but easier to survive. His long-range harass can keep enemies at bay during the laning phase Oct 31, 2023 · Bard é outro ADC fantástico fora de meta que pode surpreender seus inimigos e definir o guarda. It was the most in-depth comprehensive guide at that time on the subject. U talking like u can freeze the wave level 1. (After mid and top, and usually jungler) Pretty infuriating as a top/jungle players either seeing your efforts not pay off or be completely invalidated by most games being whichever bot lane stomped Play botlane in Norms for just a week. Hope you all have great off-meta games! Package is also strong. A good bottom lane champion doesn't just secure early game advantages; they provide the pivotal damage output needed in late-game scenarios. His kit isn’t impressive during the laning phase, but he becomes a great pick once you unlock his game-changing ultimate. You also still have objective pressure with cho r and sion q. It's a bit out of the ordinary, but trust me, it's a game-changer and one of the coolest combos you can try out right now. He's a more common adc than Nilah, Kalista and Senna. so im looking for some strategy to lose the bounty without soft throwing the game. Doing weird shit in bot lane is always fun, being doing some games with a friend where he went skarner supp. However, this can be made up for later, and she still deals pretty hardcore damage. This quirky Mar 2, 2024 · And yes, designed him to be a helpful tank to ADCs in the bot lane. ADCs are known for getting most of their damage from auto attacks, so Zeri feels strange to play in many wa In a role where like Kaisa, Lucian, Ezreal and a few others have hit 45% pickrates when they were meta it's really hard to look at something else at 1% pickrate and call that meta. as an off-meta pick, you're not allowed to ask for help because if you're losing it's because of your pick. With a 0. Those were the 15 best off-meta supports in League of Legends! I hope you liked this compilation of exotic support picks that are really new, interesting, and enjoyable. There's different levels though, Chogath ADC is difficult just because most ADCs don't have any experience playing him, and I don't think it's necessarily obvious / easy to pick up how to lane with him in bot - but there's probably some top/ADC mains out there who actually have 100s of games played on him that could eaisly make it work low ELO. Even if you're picking off meta, one thing you'll be losing in the bot lane is the tower push brought by the adc, so best to minimise that damage by taking an adc, or Ziggs I guess. U keep talking like u know when u clearly never did it before so u don’t get how the dynamic actually plays out. Bot lane would become just another top lane if duo went mid which isn't ideal for a lot of comps. I considered trying Olaf out, but his mana problems worry me. Damage is too high in the game, no adc can really hold bot lane 1v2 nowdays unless they are far ahead of the other bot lane to the point they can actually kill them 1v2, i like on how ppl here are saying ezreal when in fact ezreal would be laughable easy to dive since he cannot do anything about a huge wave under his tower, he has no pushing Tbh this is way better than before because ADC has become weaker. 15% pick rate. Looking for some strange off meta builds for ADCs in any lane (except jg) because I’m bored and wanna try new things. For weird bot combos try fizz ekko lv 2 engage adc dead then scale to infinity. She can provide healing, shielding, bonus movement speed, and bonus damage, so great at assisting hyper-carry marksmen in LoL. I go bot some games off role just to have some influence. None of u understand how bot lane works. With your ADC, obliterate towers with ease using your Passive and W. My ADC is getting better, esp. Who tf is freezing waves level 1 in the bot lane u idiot? U push for level 2 advantage everytime. Jul 8, 2022 · League of Legends bot lane is a strange place. What are the 2 - 3 best supports to pick for every ADC? (I want to have a synergistic pick for every ADC. A Tier- Best picks not only for off meta, but in the whole game B Tier- Good picks that are high risk high reward and can either ruin the game, or 1v9 it The only thing you're somewhat right on is that ADC is a consistent factor in the meta - but Riot has definitely tried to shift from ADC in the past multiple times, or are you just going to ignore mages bot lane, Mordekaiser ADC, adding marksmen to other roles like Akshan/Graves, which just reduces ADC pool more? Shen support used to be my favorite off-meta pick. The default goal of the bot lane mage is to get lane priority, 'the push', shove your opponents under tower. Meta doesnt matter till plat+ even there doglightning is a grandmaster in neeko support plays almost only offmeta supports. Out of any combination of champs not adc + support who do you think would have the best chance of beating meta picks? Alot of supports suffer hard in lane or otherwise with particular adcs or team comps so i dont pick before adc for that reason, if im getting a kog, vayne, kaisa, lucian, zeri, jhin or twitch in lane i know lane isnt the focus, adc has ceded that territory so i specifically look for other support picks. No need for magic since the ADC can do all kinds of damage. 11 votes, 40 comments. So in ranked (im low elo dont worry!) i like to fill. Your W reduces enemy MR and slows, so if you pair up with an AP bot laner (e. When your Support picks something off meta which will happen 8/10 games when playing a normal game, since its for “experiencing“ and 3/10 in Ranked, why dont pick an off Meta adc, something like Mundo or chogath so you can name the same shit reasons your support does. It is hard to lane tho but if u ask about synergy its the best one i had In low elos especially, where ADCs tend to receive less peel, why is still meta to have a classic ADC bot. They always start feeding from the get go despite my best efforts and they turn into toxic machines throwing insults and begging for report non stop if you dare leave bot and support other lanes instead. My theory is that ADCs in mid are broken because they're very difficult to counter with traditional Midlane champions. If either of you land a CC it's just instant death for the enemy adc and once you get prowlers claw u dont even need to fear death. Yasuo passive. Garen passive. If you do see the same off-meta pick repeatedly, then you should get enough experience playing against the pick to hold your own. My question is, is double tank bot lane a viable off-meta pick for duos or should I keep that weird crap in normals? Mar 2, 2024 · AD Kennen is one of the most fun off-meta ADCs you can play in League of Legends. But it was like that before the current season. The same people who complain about mages bot have made more posts and comments about it than they have actually laned against one in bot lane. Feb 11, 2023 · Don't worry, I'll show you the best off-meta bot lane – which is even one of the best general bot lanes – you can play right now. Known primarily for his mid-lane dominance, he brings powerful poke and damage from a distance to the bot lane through abilities like Plasma Fission (Q) and Void Rift (W). As the world of LoL ebbs and flows, casual and competitive players shuffle through viable champion picks, adapting to the game’s demanding meta. The meta in the bot lane revolves around a strategic triangle of playstyles: Poke, Engage, and Sustain. 25. Hi! I wrote a Mobafire guide on Ziggs Bottom Lane back in Season 9. This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. Yasuo was strong bot for some time now, close to Karthus and Veigar but not there. 6 days ago · Since Karthus’ abilities can grant vision in bushes, that is a plus for the bot lane. That said, she's probably an enormous lane bully in bot lane, and has fantastic kill pressure throughout the lane. From AP carries, to AD supports, the meta has been a little off recently. This led people to reason "Why even pick adc's" . Is this correct? Hey gamers! Remember those funky Garen/Yuumi or Sona/Taric combos in pro play? Well, I've got a cool new bot lane pair for you to try out in SoloQ. Dec 23, 2023 · In League of Legends, the bot lane often sets the rhythm for the entire game. It's not as awful as it sounds. orianna shields wukong and then wukong uses e auto q to trade, and as he goes in orianna uses her w, which is effectively undodgeable, and it simultaneously speeds up wukong and slows down the target. Choosing the right champion for this crucial lane can have a profound impact on the outcome of the match. GG takes a data science approach to the best champion duos in bot and mid jungle for Patch 15. The bot lane, traditionally reserved for the ADC and support, has recently seen a surge in unconventional picks, upending the traditional bot lane setup. Mid and bot, around 21% agency each And then support and top in that order had the remaining percentages (I don’t remember exactly what they were) These percentages essentially translate to “how much power does one team have if a specific role is winning”. Syndra, on the other hand, finds play bot lane because she actually wins lanes in bot, where on the other hand Corki will consistently lose lane. Veigar. orianna maxes w first, and then e, so it also just does a lot of damage. The “DPS” threat who, generally speaking, does 3rd-4th most damage on their team. It can also be used as a strong knock back/knock up. Even if you are someone who one-tricks a specific AD bot laner, you shouldn’t feel threatened by bot lane mages when you directly beat them in a 1v1, which even if you aren’t forcing 1v1s, the threat of these fights is enough to deter mages from pushing their leads as aggressive as other bot laners. There’s not many updated articles regarding these fun duos so I’ve decided to ask this wise community. This began a bot lane feista meta, where everything and anything was picked. Uma das coisas que faz de Bard um grande campeão é que seu dano é surpreendentemente esmagador. So bot lane actually commands a pretty balanced amount of agency right now in soloq. They would break the meta!!” Recently I'd been finding the game a bit stale (especially bot lane) so decided to try some off-meta builds on ADCs and Support champs. 1% pick rate. Lots of bruisers found their way into botlane as well, further mkaing adcs irrelevant. Jun 25, 2021 · The best bot lane combos (ADCs and Supports) require skillful teamwork. a large amount of success in in bot lane. This duo can also gank mid from near dragon pit, finally giving bot lane revenge on mid lane roamers. You will understand how merciless the role is. So far we’ve done wukong yuumi, thresh pyke, and pantheon leona. May 26, 2021 · This is 8 Minutes of Off Meta Bot Lane Comps That Are Actually 200 IQ in League of LegendsJoin as a member of the Igloo Crew: https://www. It's been a long time since I made one of these. besides that, there's nothing else you can do, really. Their popularity usually skyrockets on certain patches (when Riot Games buffs them) but they’re always great pocket picks to have as an ADC main or an off-role player. Shen support. Switching over to the AP carries in the bot lane, Veigar is a fantastic duo partner for Pyke. it's SO good. Riot introduced early-game turret damage reduction top/mid and turret plates to help nudge the meta back into a 2v2 botlane, and it worked. Poppy support with anivia carry. Champions like Ashe and Sivir offer a mix of simplicity and power. I don’t even play top lol. From my own knowledge and using some logic, I think a melee bot lane would need some kind of sustain. as an off-meta pick, you're supposed to instantly win lane in the early game, no matter what. can always come back to lane ulting adc or other lanes, useful ultimate in general. They’re great for new players. S Tier- Top 5 picks that currently beat the meta, and is the best for climbing. Nov 27, 2023 · Are you getting bored because there aren't many ADCs in the Bot Lane? Are you looking for a great combo to make climbing in Ranked easier? Don't worry, I'll tell you about a unique Bot Lane choice that works really well – it's not what most people use, but it's one of the best options you can try right now. Malphite passive. Malphite. I have my own theory but I want to see if it lines up with what other people think. . A few months ago you could have definitely made that point, but atm she's very much on-role in bot lane. But almost every game it’s the same shit. Example: Ivern and Rengar Xin Zhao and Pantheon Bonus points… Like singed + blitz or something. Quinn is someone you rarely see bot so you can catch em out by surprise with the burst she does. Senna and smolder are straight up disgusting they are not just “op”. Morde shield. Conclusion. So, the support gonna leave lane less. We’ll list the best ADC champions to help you climb the ranked ladder in League of Legends. Mid lane is easy to 1v2 and you can't deny EXP, so the better 2v2 lane would never go mid. Heimerdinger has a 54% win rate bot lane. Doesn't need to be the best, just solid enough to lane and be… Apr 13, 2024 · Feeling a bit tired of the same old ADCs in Bot Lane? Looking for a killer combo to boost your Ranked climb? No stress, I've got the perfect Bot Lane pick for you. In Bot lane, you’re splitting XP, so if your Champion needs to be ahead in levels to be useful (Zed, Shaco, Fizz), then they’re going to have a hard time. Tell me… Oct 10, 2024 · Zoe support offers great poke and easy kills with Sleep against squishy ADCs. Even when an off-meta ADC is played in mid like Jhin, I still find myself getting frustrated and feeling like they're difficult to deal with. These champions are easy to learn and are strong in the current meta. We’ve made a list of the 5 best ADC champions for beginners in 2025. It was extremely boring to watch because the game developed the exact same way every game, and nothing really happened until at least 10 minutes in. It’s difficult to find a good support for Veigar in the bot lane, but Pyke is one of the best ones you Jan 5, 2025 · Choosing the right champion in bot lane is crucial. However, that’s not all. Riot does a sloppy research when they look into champs they want to buff and often miss out that the champ has way stronger builds than people use right now or that they have a strong off role already. They literally might as well steal CS while they're at it. Mages. Jan 24, 2024 · A New Meta on The Horizon. Also full bot Roams are quite fun. Anivia pretty good with her wall being a nice way to punish bad positioning or engages. Great pairs for ADC that want to bully lane and push for towers like Caitlyn and Tristana. Another one was quinn/pyke last year when they were both meta. Give me some off-meta bot lane options! Duoing with a yuumi main, usually play bruisers when I don’t feel like adcing, but I’ve been running out of ideas on surprisingly strong picks. (Also none of the common apc champs like karthus, sera, Veigar, etc) ive tried a lot of them with my friend, the most successful was wukong adc/orianna support. 5m d2 if you have a good anivia player as adc it becomes a slaughter for the enemy team (go hail of blades +ms runes for the extra spice and you can near oneshot at lvl 1 + with gold you can mess the enemy jungler up by shredding his hp bar while a level under him Title :). So it's going to be very engage and disengage heavy. You're not allowed to scale because if you can't fight at any time vs any champion, it's because of your pick. But Braum has a few exploitable advantages that sometimes can break the top lane meta! For starters, Braum’s passive – Concussive Blows is the perfect tool for assisting your jungler when he comes to gank. For a month or 2, adcs became irrelevant, and pro play consisted of cheese picks, like Ornn/Sion bot. It used to be a legit thing during double adc bot meta. Inherently, Kennen Apc or support wouldn't be off meta (support has been played since s4 anyway), but adc kennen with an actual AD build is considerably off meta (though not completely off meta as AD kennen top is currently meta) Its kind of hard to auto people down on bot lane when you're a melee champ which is why people build stridebreaker for the ability to stick on them, so I would say thats definitely another very valid option for the mythic followed by adc items if you want because stridebreaker grants some attack speed. And when support leaves lane, adc gonna be in a really bad spot. g. Especially if they picked an engager like Naut or Leo. Graves is pretty annoying to play as against samira imo, long reload time and her w can gut enough of his damage for her to just full rotation 100-0 him without much counterplay. With MF support and Ziggs Apc being meta now, this seems the easiest way. You go umbral glaive for vision and cheap lethality, then go into a full lethality build. His E is a great AOE slow and added bonus for denying enemy team a safe path to walk. He's got really strong tower push with his Q and played right can make the enemy adc irrelevant. Malzahar thrived when everyone was playing healing supports (usually with Ardent Censer) and bot lane Champions like Kog’Maw. Nautilus + Pyke This combination works exactly as you’d expect. I've tried champs like: Syndra, Veigar, Anivia and Neeko (AP) , and have had varying success with them. if you're playing ADC, then you either pick a mage bot lane like Ziggs, a long-ranged champion to allow you to farm, or you bend over. Also it gives a suprising amout of early kills, concsidering Bard's crazy lvl1 and Quinn's good early game. Honestly, ever since I've heard Curtis and Cupcake make the case for it a couple of years back I've considered Support a better off-role for mid-lane players. If you’re wondering what the next OP picks for LoL Ranked solo queue, this article has the info you need. As a mid lane mage or assassin player, without the pressure of having to farm, you can Jul 25, 2020 · Taliyah and Pantheon's synergy actually extends out of the Bot lane as well. Ele também é uma das escolhas mais divertidas de Bot Lane para jogar, especialmente como um transporte. ASol has a 55% win rate bot lane. The main reason he fell out of the support role was because the overall bot lane meta shifted so drastically. 💥 So allow me to share some of my experience of amazing duo lanes. Singed Q is a poison which let's Cass get an empowered E spam. Then do consistent poke damage to the opposing laners while they are attempting to CS with the over all goals of forcing your opponent to take a bad back, while you take plates. Dec 25, 2023 · Are you getting bored because there aren't many ADCs in the Bot Lane? Are you looking for a great combo to make climbing in Ranked easier? Don't worry, I'll tell you about a unique Bot Lane choice that works really well – it's not what most people use, but it's one of the best options you can try right now. Insanely good into Yuumi lanes and a free win vs Kalista. if you're a ranged support, you can contest the 2v2 to a So I am not sure if my experience of regularly ending lane with scores llike 6/1 is representative of garen or of melee bot laners in general. I genuinely encourage you to play ADC only in Norms for a week. Aug 13, 2021 · 6 / 8. One funky game per month likely won't screw you up too much, after all. Then, patch 8. And since you're magic damage, most ADCs go armor on their rune so you just REAAAALLLY make them wanna DC 24/7. There was a time that the meta had one team’s botlane go top. It’s why champs who are strong from level 1 are so meta in pro play. In time, many of the best off-meta or weird interactions with a Bot Lane partner. Aug 8, 2024 · The bot lane duo works together to dominate their lane, with the ADC dealing sustained damage and the Support providing utility, protection, and crowd control. As ultimately bot lane pace and the state of it is dictated by supports (at least as you climb). Looking for off meta picks that are not adcs to try bot lane. Also cho can go everfrost for an INSANE cc chain. Does shen things. Win your lane (which wasnt very hard because quinn was one of the strongest adcs at the time) and then you both roam with your amazing MS and assassin like burst. Teamfight utility has no value since every single pro game is decided by which bot lane dies first. Singed support and Cass ADC is my favorite one. Always have an AD. Good into traditional ADCs, terrible vs AD casters like Jhin and AP botlaners. 2. Most bot lane matchups are extremely easy for Syndra to 1v2, and she only needs a lost chapter to keep her mana generation up. Sona has great synergy with some off-meta ADCs and even some off-meta supports in League. Mar 2, 2024 · Throughout the years, many AP champions have been meta and off-meta picks for the bot lane in League of Legends. MF's major selling point is her ultimate, Bullet Time, which if placed on top of CC, can rumble apc is a lot of fun, you build pretty much the same as vanilla rumble, with either rocketbelt or harvester as mythic start e level 1 to safely farm from a distance, and level 2 either go q and look for trades with e q e or go w if you're getting poked a lot and want to play more safe early on, at level 3 wear down your lane opponents with e q e then use w shield so that they can't W max has a slight issue in that ranking it adds 1% which against the low HP pool of bot lane has little impact. Ziggs is better at taking objectives with more range and utility though. Role: Bot Core Items: Trinity Force, Titanic Hydra Runes: Lethal Tempo + Domination Tree Zeri is possibly the most unusual ADC in the game right now. What duos do you guys know of? Me and a mate of mine have decided to try out as many off meta bot lane duos as possible. I’m making a comprehensive list of the best bot-lane synergies from a Support perspective. gg/wfnRHNn7WZThanks as always to Casadorr/AlkemyDesign for the thumbnail. 1. g KogMaw) then you can amplify their damage and make it easier to chase them down. Malphite is an awesome off-meta support in LoL, especially when paired with Yasuo. Camille: best engage tbh but just worse panth falls off too as she needs items. Having to deal with one off meta pick in 50 games isn’t something worth making weekly posts about as it’s a non factor. i always worry about syndra bot lane because her power spikes are so dictated by levels in the mid game - e. A second adc isn't better than Alistar. I want to say that many people are excited by both the jungle changes and new tank items leading to the adc player base absence but I really haven’t noticed any difference regarding the problems Dec 15, 2020 · There are a lot of off-meta champions to succeed with on League Of Legends patch 10. I think currently bot is more lane focused so a champ like ziggs who needs levels will be tougher but it's not like people haven't done other stuff like adc yasuo or azir bot. You get it. try poppy anivia as a poppy supp 1. I've really enjoyed the Ashe Manamune into Triforce build as it forces you to change how to play her. I’ve tried every single build on this list and I can confirm that it works very well in-game. That’s 1 mage in bot in every 50+ games. They're trash roam, and can barely help win the lane, this role is for someone who just wants to take adc away from the person who rolled it. M Dec 26, 2024 · Vel’Koz stands out as an unconventional yet intriguing off-meta support champion in League of Legends. Before it was bot lane that decided the game so it was pretty bad but now the impact of each lane is pretty similar so this is better. On the current patch mages bot is a shadow of its old day. Play a different role outside of bot and supp and come back and say it’s weak. Once you establish an advantage in Bot lane, then, you can look to extend your advantage to other parts of the map. Goofy - Nasus support wither ADC lv1 just as enemies arrive, free hit enemy AD for 5s, back off, repeat. 11 came in. Jun 1, 2023 · Kindred was my first main (in the jungle), I got to mastery 5 in my first year of LoL, stopped playing her because I became an ADC main, and after a year and a half (more or less) I started playing her again as a botlane marksmen and got to Mastery 7 with her (playing only bot lane!). Every single time i'm forced to support some off meta adc like Lux or Vel Koz it's always a miserable experience. And with a few changes in the runes and items, Kennen becomes an incredibly powerful AD carry in LoL. Before if the bot lane loses that team would lose the game but these days since the impact of top and bot are 50-50 I prefer this meta. In lane you play like a poke support, but you do way more damage with your 4th shot. So more agency The thing is about jayce is hes like a assassin he falls off super hard late game BUT in this current meta where late game doesn't exist maybe but still adcs will be better because how much more dmg they output while they have some slipperyness ex: upgraded kaisa e, lucian dash or tristana jump but not all adcs are lucky enough to have these moves So, with this baby ADC I’ve had to instead play Karma, Hwei, Zyra to be long range and poke to help us get anywhere—someone I can build AP items with. Im not sure what time this was, but look up ornn sion bot and you'll probably find a couple games with these weird setups Nasus/karma (I won the game but lost the lane) Blitz/Leona (won game by being able to last pick vayne and just sitting under turret) All these lanes are just a nightmare and I instant dodge because I hate the “bot diff” bullshit when I was basically forced under turret all game because otherwise I just instant die. com/channel Join the discord: https://discord. I used to run Lux/Morg or Lux/Syndra and Lux/Seraphine bot lane and it would absolutely destroy ADC/support combos. 0 shot this works better than abandoning your adc and burning down the map solo as a support. Better escape and range. I feel an ardent meta is coming back. On-hit Braum with support Senna or Pyke is also great fun for the mad Braum passive stacks. We’ve tried poppy veigar, xilean veigar etc. In terms of funoff-meta In fact, the only fun I’ve had playing bot lane is when I lock in Warwick, jax, Aatrox, or anything else off meta. Let's look at who is fun right now. My least favorite and worst role however is adc. The only Duo Tier list you need for the newest patch. ) Looking for perfect spell synergies, like: · Lucian / Braum · Kog’Maw / Lulu · Kalista / Alistar · Xayah / Rakan (?) so ive been playing a very pyke like strategy with reksai support (its really fun, v high risk, v high reward) but when my games go really well i accumulate a bounty very fast and come late mid game i fall off very hard and am GOING to die, and if the wrong person gets the bounty that can flip the winning game. Mar 2, 2024 · The 5 Best Support Picks for Yasuo ADC in League of Legends 5. Always up-to-date, U. I've always defined off meta in the bot lane as an off meta build. Now he is there, maybe even above. Both of these champions possess semi-global ultimates, allowing them to travel extremely quickly around the map. And we’re punished for dodging. League has drifted away from the days of winning mid game and instead has become a bot lane oriented kill fiesta The bot lane meta by now would have had at least 6 or 7 really good picks instead of the same 3 every game. No irony or sarcasm here. Despite Vayne being Vayne we still bullied the crap out of her and it was the most fun Ive ever had in bot lane. Mar 2, 2024 · This sets up Pyke for his ulti’s resets, so they’re very close to a perfect bot lane combo! Read Also: Top 15 Best Off-Meta ADCs. 86 votes, 217 comments. I’ll talk about why they’re a good fit for the role, which supports you should pair them with, and which build you should go for when you play them. Feb 16, 2022 · She does not usually go Bot lane because she scales off of Jungle camps. I was recommended an off meta duo bot lane that's super fun to play (only have tried it in normals) where you go Senna support and combine it with Chogath as your lane partner. “Some Guy climbed to chall with it”. Singed & Taric is our best off meta duo today | ©Riot Games Some of you may remember the Garen / Yuumi or Sona / Taric bot lanes that even performed well in professional play. a thresh for the leona or something, then the adc pick doesn’t matter as much. My favourite off meta bot lane is lethality sion adc with ap chogath support. You can play off meta stuff, the world won't explode, the game won't explode, no one will get hurt and hey, maybe for once in your life you can have actual fun playing League, what a wild The official subreddit for discussing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, a Dungeons & Dragons strategy video game that brings together D&D characters from novels, adventures, and multiple live streams into a single grand adventure. 14 votes, 44 comments. Also APCs might be more common for their cc. This guide shows you the best duos for cinching the W. By playing Kindred as ADC, you’re not utilizing most of her passive. In lane, it’s also quite good for the same reasons, but up close and personal with the added benefit of their shorter range spells as well. We will also talk about off-Meta champions, why they are off-Meta, and how they may get back into the spotlight. Taunt dash makes for good roaming ganks W blocks aa good against Cait headshot or Draven poke aa Cons need map awareness Lmao it’s a bot lane meta rn. true. You usually wouldn't see these two in the bot lane Hey guys, I usually duo que with a friend who plays adc and were wondering what off-meta bot lane is annoying to deal with/fun to play for ranked. This champion can easily adapt to the bot lane. The meta could possibly end up being tanks everywhere with bot being on-hit + enchanter. U max q first so u can blind one of them (usually the adc since they deal more dmg) and it makes the lane basically into a 2v1. When I say off-meta I mean what are some champs that are not bot laners that work well. Playing traditional ADCs I'm just not very good with, and in my games prety much everything is a fiesta, so I would like to try playing other options bot. In low elo lately like the past 2weeks it feels like I’ve had more off meta mage bot or yasuo bot picks than just a normal adc and supp (and none of… Riot doesn’t believe there’s a problem with people picking “off meta” things. I've been an adc main for almost a year now and to increase the variety of champs I can play bot lane, I've picked up a few mages to play. maybe it’s different playing out the lane, but i think best way to play against samira atm is to have a support that counters her support. Mar 2, 2024 · Sona is an enchanter support and she works best with ADCs that require enchanting. Zeri Image: Riot Games. No it’s because u all are fucking morons. Bot you're in lethal at 80% as an adc and supps dominate the lane hence if there is a supp gap your bot will get absolutely fucked Put on top that low elo players don't know how to manipulate waves and supps give everything up for free and you get the botlane thunder domes Jul 9, 2021 · He’s drastically declined in this role since then, but he remains one of my favorite off-meta picks. The general consensus from games now is, if I as a jungler decide to dedicate my efforts to counterjungling, ganking top or mid I am basically trolling because I indirectly killed my bot lane. Since they both ground, mobile adcs hate their life. yeah i bet a master in wold rift could play ad ahri too coz of laning and macro knowledge but ahri has mediocre auto range with none ad abilities, the only upside is that she has got mobility. wukong saves his May 25, 2016 · The Meta will be looking at each position and style in the game and analyzing how it works, why it works, and how it might be changed. youtube. Regarding the camp bot lane META; I hate it! Why is it like this? People seem to have forgotten what freezing is, warding is, and just using the minimap. And then you go crystal scepter on Singed and approach velocity on Cass. Like singed and Quinn who are off meta tops at like 2% pickrate, when even the most solidly of meta tops at their peaks like Ksante right now or OP malphite earlier Quinn is someone you rarely see bot so you can catch em out by surprise with the burst she does. They still get selected, but adc's have advantages outside Saying that Vayne bot is off-meta is pretty silly, seeing how she's currently one of the highest win rate bot laners. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Bot lane mages give you that flexibility. Last night me and a friend of mine played Full Ap Malphite and Full tank Sion in bot lane against a Vayne and a Bard. BEST OFF META- The best off meta pick for the current meta, is very good and fun and is the best for climbing. 18 votes, 27 comments. level 9 and 11 are enormous power spikes for her, and in the very late game, 16 is quite a large spike too. with Kai’sa, but typical games are D/C ratings with like 3/7/6 type KDA scores, about 30 farm behind the enemy ADC. One of which is a hyper unconventional lovechild between Yasuo and Samira who fell out of favor in this long range meta, the other being a champ that is used as a shorthand for Pro-Play-Only champions, and the last one being a champ that is in most cases soft inting if she farms, so even if she's playing ADC Jan 3, 2022 · Miss Fortune is a standard ADC, which is admittedly a rarity on this list of funny Bot Lane combos in LoL. The range is beautiful however with E you can make up for the lack of range with stronger CC. Overall, I honestly wouldn't sweat off-meta games unless you repeatedly see the same off-meta picks again and again. qbzsi cffnq tipwk jcgl yqal cowbvi eiiudk ttwjmy apfi dsc