Woreda transformation ppt The HSTP places more emphasis on quality and equity of services. ” This plan aims to improve the health of the population through the realization of progress towards universal health coverage (UHC), creating Woreda transformation and protecting people from emergencies. We have sought to balance ambition and realism. The plan seeks to transform woreda (district) health offices into high-performing entities that can help Ethiopia realize its goal of a healthy, productive, and prosperous 148 intervention HCs. Î One cluster will have an estimated 17 - 32 members from an average of 5-10 health centers in a typical woreda. ETHIOPIA’S HEALTH SECTOR TRANSFORMATION PLAN (HSTP) (2015/16-2019/20 GC OR 2008 – 2012 EFY) PREFACE ETHIOPIA HEALTH SECTOR TRANSFORMATION PLAN MID-TERM REVIEW OF HSTP 30 THAPRIL TO 30 June 2018 Programme: Ethiopian Health Sector Transformation Plan Executing Agencies: Federal Ministry of Health and Regional Health Bureaus this, four transformation agendas have been identified; 1) Woreda Transformation, 2) Health Service Quality and Equity, 3) Information Revolution, and 4) Caring, Respectful and Compassionate health workforce (CRC). Last week, members of the media and officials from the Ministry have paid a field visit to the Woreda to witness the health success stories. This plan has four major This Annual Performance Report represents the second year of the Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP) (2015/16-2019/20) performance, and mainly focuses on the progress made in the implementation of the Woreda-Based Annual Core Plan and on the overall health sector performance against the targets set for EFY 2009 (2016/17). At the time of the study, the program was working in 19 rural Sep 29, 2021 · 1. In particular, Transform: Primary Health Care will support attainment of the four HSTP transformational agendas, namely (1) woreda transformation; (2) caring, respectful, and compassionate (CRC) providers; (3) quality and equity in health care; . These policies established several multisectoral (MS) implementation platforms, including the National Nutrition Coordinating Body (NNCB), a team of sectoral and non-state decisionmakers consisting of donors, civil society organizations, academia, and private sector actors, and the Mar 29, 2017 · 26. The HSTP-II strategy builds on the success of the previous health care financing strategy. Transformation in equity and quality of health care 2. Author: Ethiopia YaṬénā ṭebaqā ministér (Issuing body) Journal, Magazine, English, 2016. Figure 11: Level of start‑up capital for baltina, by woreda (in Birr), 36 Figure 12: Value chain for baltina agro‑processing 37 Figure 13: Distribution (in percent) of input costs for baltina, by woreda 38 Figure 14: Donkey cart service in ATJK 40 Figure 15: Start‑up capital for animal‑drawn carts, by woreda (in Birr) 41 Nov 16, 2023 · Template 4: Business Transformation Strategy PowerPoint PPT Template This Template helps organizations develop a business transformation strategy to enhance their competitive advantage. Most of the Woreda is bounded by the chain of Chercher highlands. 000. The Woreda is a part of the Northwestern Rift Valley Escarpment. The tourism sector must constantly innovate using technologies like the Internet of Things, location-based services, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and blockchain to remain competitive and support sustainable development HR & Digital Transformation - Download as a PDF or view online for free Feb 12, 2017 · TRANSFORMATION In broad terms, transformation design is a human-centred, interdisciplinary process that seeks to create desirable and sustainable changes in behaviour and form – of individuals, systems and organizations – often for socially progressive ends. coli cells, the rDNA is added to the bacterial culture and the culture is treated with 50 mM calcium chloride (cacl2 ) solution at room temperature. 1 Ethiopia Food System Transformation Pathway: Seqota Declaration Game Changing Solution Funding Food System Transformation: : Lessons from Ethiopia UNFSS Side Event Dr. Additionally, the strategic initiative set by the HSTP to implement the second generation health extension CONNECTED WOREDA STRATEGY The Connected Woreda Strategy is Ethiopia’s program to support and implement the IR agenda and HTSP priorities at the woreda level The program aims to: • Improve the quality and transformation of health information at all levels • Improve the culture of using health information for decision at all levels Dec 5, 2022 · Miesso Woreda covers an area of 257, 344 hectares, of which 82% is plain land, 9% is undulated land, and the remaining 9% belongs to mountains. The Connected Woreda pathway involves assessing woredas, planning interventions, implementing changes, reassessing, and verifying progress to create model woredas with high standards for health information The Health Sector Transformation Plan was prepared based on National Health Policy and Health Sector Long term Plan (Envisioning plan) focusing on universal Primary Health Care coverage through strengthening health system to ensure equity and Transformation Agenda 1. Î Performance monitoring and evaluation will mainly be based on: EHCRIG, KPIs, change packages, PHCG, woreda management standards. 2 trillion on digital transformation in 2017, less than half of IT decision makers are extremely confident in their organization’s ability to achieve the vision Many of the roadblocks relate to organizational structure and culture. Give participants the chance to introduce each other by name, Information disclosure: The database is developed and maintained by World Health Organization in collaboration with partners. Both local and International NGOs have also adopted the CSC into their own programming. The information provided may not accurately reflect the most current data available. During the quarter, 25 zonal and woreda Health Information Technicians (HITs) and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) professionals were trained on the connected woreda strategy. Integrating a monitoring and feedback approach helps to generate evidence for possible The easy to use digital change plan PowerPoint complete deck includes set of professionally designed slides such as why it is needed, core elements, barriers of digital change strategy, ways to achieve digital transformation, transformation roadmap, task distribution, transformation budget, value-added from the transformation, etc. These are: 1. That is why it has been broken down into themes and will be executed in phases. • Needs to be at a scale where funds can be accessed from government for implementation • Should be a participatory and multi-sectoral team including local land users as much as possible, but also needs to be manageable number • Needs to be technical Woreda Transformation is an aspiration to see a transformed Ethiopia in each woreda (district) with household having all essential (basics) necessities of modern world of 21st century. This is the second Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP-II) covering the period between Ethiopian fiscal years 2013 and 2017 (July 2020–June 2025). its five-year Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP I). Woreda Transformation 4. Prokaryotic Transformation First, the DNA… DNA is most easily taken up if it is in plasmid form (as opposed to linear form… although certain cells can take up linear DNA) If the plasmids are nicked, or have been re-ligated, this can lower transformation efficiency– supercoiled DNA gives the highest transformation efficiency. This thesis assesses the food security status of households receiving support from the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) in Libokemkem woreda, South Gondar zone of Ethiopia. The Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) introduced the Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP), which focused on addressing quality and equitable distribution of health service delivery for all. Technical committees were formed at the woreda and kebele levels. Costed woreda based plan; Community lab (CL) Agricultural innovation and technology center (AITEC) National Level program documents: Seqota declaration road map and innovative phase investment plan, 2015; Community lab Tool kit,2019; UNISE Operating Manual; Multi- Sectoral SBCC mainstreaming Guideline woreda health office in alignment with its core managerial functions; and (5) introduction of a quarterly performance review process at the woreda level where diverse stakeholders from across each woreda came together for a structured, supportive peer-review of woreda performance based on the management standards and KPIs. Introduction Transformation in mathematics deals with the conversion of one function to another function that may not be in the same domain. Digital Feb 14, 2023 · 5. d; Paffenholz, 2003). HSTP II builds on the achievements and lessons learned from the first HSTP. Feb 28, 2017 · Ethiopia Health Sector Transformation Plan has set lofty goals of ensuring equitable and quality health care through woreda transformation agenda. The Woreda Transformation agenda serves as a vehicle to achieve accessibility, quality, and Multisectoral Woreda Transformation (MSWT): the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of Ethiopia 7. Health promotion and health education case team Programs, projects, and initiatives. See full list on static1. Digital transformation closes the gap between what digital customers already expect and what analog businesses actually deliver. English (current) En Français This document outlines Ethiopia's Health Sector Transformation Plan II (HSTP II) for the years 2020/21-2024/25. Woreda Transformation Prism House Goal To create a Woreda with quality and equitable heath service delivery and ascertain comprehensive health coverage in all areas of our country Expected Outcomes Create model Kebeles Create high performing primary healthcare units (health posts and health centers) Enable all households of the Woreda to enroll woreda levels. Oct 1, 2012 · 2. May 15, 2016 · It defines these transformations and provides examples of how they affect the graph of a function. Definition • It is a term referring collectively to such activities as reengineering, redesigning and redefining business systems. HSTP II aims to improve the health of Ethiopia's population by accelerating progress towards universal health coverage, protecting people from health emergencies, creating woreda (district) transformations, and making the health system more responsive. Description of the Study Area • Fogera Woreda, South Gondar Zone, Amhara Region • Woreta town, 625 km from Addis Ababa and 55 km from Bahir Dar • 27 rural and 3 urban PAs Map of study area. Social harmony, relationship and community values are the center of excellence for indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms (Fremont, n. Developing land use planning in Ethiopia • Current land use including pastoral use of land (grazing areas) need to be starting point. Aug 31, 2015 · 3. 5-year program (October 2015 – May 2020) to support the woreda transformation agenda by creating a culture of performance management and accountability for primary healthcare . The major economic activities of this woreda is both crop and livestock production. In addition, the Activity provided technical and logistical support to conduct Woreda transformation verification assessments jointly with the RHB team for 10 Zones and 22 Woredas, 36 PHCUs, and 68 kebeles in the SNNP region. to support the multi-sectoral approach to realize Ethiopia's Health Sector Woreda Transformation agenda in the 33 woredas under the Sekota Declaration through data connectivity solutions using satellite technology The Woreda Facilitator is also expected to carry out routine Woreda and community-level specific activities including planning and implementing of field level activities, coordinating and monitoring/supervising the timely implementation of program/project activities under their custody. Although companies plan to spend $1. Endorsement of Woba Ari Woreda WASH SDG Masterplan This woreda WASH SDG masterplan is signed by Woreda WASH Team (Woreda Water, Mines and Energy Office, Woreda Health Office, Woreda Education Office, Woreda Finance Office, and Woreda Administration) to support implementation of water supply, sanitation and hygiene services for the Mar 29, 2016 · The woreda transformation agenda envisions creating model kebeles, reaching 100% community-based health insurance, and turning all health facilities into high-performing facilities, he added. Cacl2 adheres the rDNA onto the surface of E. com Woreda transformation has three components Model Kebeles Financial protection through CBHI High-performing PHCUs Government of Ethiopia (GOE). Health promotion National Strategy. WoredaNet seeks to establish a multi-service Internet Protocol (IP)-based system using broadband and very-small-aperture terminal (VSAT) infrastructure for government communications and e-government 7. Establishing a "win-win" relationship between woreda health systems to improve health care across the country and further reduce preventable deaths across Ethiopia. This learning paper discusses the process of developing the two woreda WASH master plans and the learning and reflection from the process. 46% of its population were urban dwellers. Aug 11, 2016 · The plan proposes strategies, targets, and initiatives to achieve universal health coverage and transformation across four agendas: quality and equity of care; woreda (district) transformation; developing compassionate health professionals; and an information revolution. /Mean) is constant or where effects are multiplicative. It provides examples and rules for each type of transformation. Objectives & CA Content Standard • Students will learn the properties of rigid and non-rigid transformations on different types of parent functions and will be able to distinguish them via mathematical expression and graphical representation. AllAfrica. May 9, 2020 · 14. Vertical or Horizontal shift Vertical Stretch or Shrink Types of Transformations Vertical or Horizontal shift Vertical Stretch or Shrink Reflection Add outside Multiply by Fraction (less than 1) Multiply by negative (-) MOVES GRAPH UP 3 Causes the graph to FLIP OVER THE X AXIS Causes the graph to STRETCH OUT by 4 Subtract outside MOVES GRAPH DOWN 3 Multiply by integer Add inside Causes the Jul 5, 2019 · Digital Innovation And Transformation PowerPoint Presentation Slides - Download as a PDF or view online for free Apr 11, 2019 · Accordingly, Western Azerenet Berbere Woreda of the Silite Zone Administration in SNNP was chosen as a model in achieving the overall health transformation at Woreda level. 3. Bezenabenara, one of them is selected as the setting of the study because it is believed that the kebele is easily accessible from Durame town, which is Jul 4, 2022 · The Woreda Transformation Platform serves as a multi-sectoral platform that fosters collaboration in pursuit of the transformation agenda, working alongside the Ministerial Steering Committee to mobilise national-level efforts towards the shared goal of improving the health system and healthcare delivery. • Organization Transformation can occur in response to or in anticipation major changes in the organization’s environment or technology. The 12 Slides Presentation includes critical steps for creating a business transformation strategy, planning, checklist, and process. It refers to the phenomenal The scale and complexity of this transformation cannot be overstated. Reflections require a mirror line and produce a image that is the same distance from the mirror line as the original shape. Works best when projected onto a whiteboard (not necessarily an interactive one) but can also be viewed/used on screen by individuals. 000 IPHC-E Repository System Woreda transformation implementation manual (summary) Login. This document is an annual performance report for the year 2012 EFY (2019/2020) for the Ethiopian health sector. There are three TRANSFORMATIONS that result in congruent figures: ROTATION: TURN TRANSLATION: SLIDE REFLECTION: FLIP Another type of transformation is a dilation, which changes the size of the object. Î Recognition and awards for best performance based on EPAQ at PHCU, Woreda, Zonal and Regional levels. It aims at improving the health status of the community through the realisation of accelerating progress towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC), protecting people from emergencies, creating Woreda transformation and making the health system responsive to people's needs and Similarly, as casual visit of the research team to the study area indicate that resourceful informants can easily be found in the selected woreda. It is a tool to cascade macro level policies, strategies and roadmaps to micro level impacts at household and individual level, thereby ensuring inclusive development. November 2015 Digital Transformation has to manage change effectively as well as get people to embrace it. May 7, 2016 · 2. The Woreda Transformation Agenda, as part of the Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP), emphasizes school health as one of the criteria for a model Kebele. The Woreda Transformation agenda serves as a vehicle to achieve accessibility, quality, and FAO organizational chart; Regional Office for Africa; Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific; Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia; Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean This document outlines the key details of Ethiopia's second Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP II) for 2020-2025. 5. Dec 6, 2020 · This study was conducted in the context of the Primary Healthcare Transformation Initiative (PTI), a 4. Translations "slide" an object to a new position without changing its shape or size. The plan aims to continue progress toward universal health coverage and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Template 4: Best Practices for HR Digital Transformation PPT Design One of the best ways to do this is by using a Transformation Map. Woreda Transformation is a means to achieve our global commitment towards achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). Pre-Transformation: “Chaotic” Prior to supply chain transformation, the vaccine supply chain in Ethiopia was char-acterized as “inefficient and unacceptable”, and distribution was described as “chaotic” (Haghgou 2011). $1. Big Win is supporting coordination of these multiple players and teams to mobilize behind a unified, high impact cost effective plan. All the professionally created templates feature flexible design elements. 2/9/2020 25 Jan 30, 2013 · 10. Innovation capacity depends on. Logarithmic transformation for whole number counts with wide range This transformation is suitable for the data where the variance is proportional to the square of the mean or the coefficient of the variation (S. Nov 16, 2023 · HR managers can use this PPT design as a learning path to make personnel comfortable with the transformation. Course: HASD 6201 Form and Function of House and Settlement Yonas Alemayehu Soressa Chair of HOUSiNG EiABC, AAU January 2017 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 1 Content List of figures -----3 List of tables -----5 HSTP woreda based health sector annual core plan. 28 towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC), protecting people from emergencies, creating Woreda transformation and making the health system responsive to people’s needs and expectations. Apr 27, 2019 · Transformation - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Cost of business transformation powerpoint presentation slides. Sisay Sinamo, Senior Program Manager, Federal Program Delivery Unit, Ministry of Health September 24, 2021 Committed to ending stunting in children under 2 years by 2030 Dramatic improvement in quality of health care services is within reach, through underpinning and parallel reforming of Information Revolution and Woreda transformation, with all efforts to bring about the Compassionate Respectful Caring (CRC) initiative into the health care provider. Innovations that look at the family and the community within the context of their society is important for success. Keywords: Transformation, Health Systems, HSTP, USAID, Primary Health Care, Millenium Development Goals,Woreda Transformation, WHO Twinning Partnership Created Date: 9/4/2018 1:51:18 PM Woreda Transformation is an aspiration to see a transformed Ethiopia in each woreda (district) with household having all essential (basics) necessities of modern world of 21st century. HSTP-II was developed as the first part of a 10-year health sector plan. Support Provided to Federal Ministry of Health (MoH) Hence, to make decentralization meaningful and benefits of woreda decentralization to be realized, recommendations are made on power and authority, political commitments, legal and institutional Feb 22, 2022 · The government has articulated a vision for health system strengthening that prioritizes district-level capacity (woreda transformation). It provides examples and explanations of each type of transformation. It refers to the phenomenal Digital Transformation PowerPoint Presentation Templates and Google Slides These Digital Transformation PowerPoint presentation templates have been designed keeping in view the importance of this topic. Social and institutional arrangements to mobilise different sorts of knowledge that create novelty on a continuous basis Knowledge support arrangements that are flexible, relevant, responsive and multi-organisational Institutional arrangements and partnership patterns which should be continuously adjusting through learning and in response to changing Characteristics and Transformation of Gurage House and Settlement: The Cases of Amora-Meda and Yejusebe Villages in Cheha Woreda Prepared by: [Selamawit Teku] SEMESTER PAPER [2016/17] M. Specifically, it explains that a shift moves a graph up/down or left/right along an axis, a reflection flips the graph across an axis, and a stretch or compression changes the scale of the graph along an axis. docx 3. It also established that households with health insurance coverage have reduced chance of being exposed to catastrophic health expenditures (OR = 0. Download this template . Key activities included briefing stakeholders on Africa RISING activities and establishing 4 strategic and 8 operational Innovation Platforms. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 1 Introduction to Linear Transformations A linear transformation is a function TT that maps a vector space VV into another vector space WW: mapping : , , : vector spaceT V W V W → V: the domain of T W: the co-domain of T (1) (u v) (u) (v), u, vT T T V+ = + ∀ ∈ (2) ( u) (u),T c cT c R= ∀ ∈ Two axioms of linear transformationsTwo The Federal Ministry of Health developed a five-year Health Sector Transformation Plan to further reduce preventable deaths in mothers and children under five years of age. Methods of Data Collection • Both primary and secondary data were used • Primary data: semi-structured questionnaire and check-list • Trained enumerators towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC), protecting people from emergencies, creating Woreda transformation and making the health system responsive to people’s needs and expectations. Addressing ownership from the outset is critical. This digital transformation has created a more autonomous tourist who expects personalized service. A Greenfield approach where is a fast method to deliver Digital Insurance without jeopardizing the current business and resistance of the current organization Nov 16, 2023 · Template 4: Business Transformation Strategy PowerPoint PPT Template This Template helps organizations develop a business transformation strategy to enhance their competitive advantage. this, four transformation agendas have been identified; 1) Woreda Transformation, 2) Health Service Quality and Equity, 3) Information Revolution, and 4) Caring, Respectful and Compassionate health workforce (CRC). Information revolution 3. You can edit these templates and impress your audience with new presentations. The project supports the attainment of four HSTP transformational agendas including: woreda transformation; quality and equity in health care; caring, respectful, and compassionate (CRC) providers; and information revolution. The highest point of the Woreda is Asebot Mountain. Chemical mediated transformation :(Calcium chloride) To introduce rDNA into E . Connected Woreda Strategy (CWS). PowerPoint presentation, ice breaker Start Time/Duration 9:00 (40 minutes) Learning objectives Participants will: Create a collaborative environment Build dialog and set the group dynamics. Public health emergency communication. 2. Woreda transformation 4. To measure progress towards these objectives, HSTP-II has set ambitious but realistic targets that are aligned with national 10 years development plan Dec 4, 2009 · This document discusses different types of geometric transformations including reflections, rotations, translations, and enlargements. One of the four transformation agendas in the current HSTP is the Information Revolution. The Caring, Respectful and Compassionate health workforce 11/20/2017 by MULUGETA D. Kesetebirhan Admasu, Minister of Health Ethiopia, said, “It took us over 25 years to reduce child mortality by 70% and maternal death by 75% The Health Sector Transformation Plan (2015-2020) is the guiding framework for the health sector. The project has been supporting the implementation of the CWS, which is a plan to realize information revolution agenda at PHC. The overall objective of the HSTP is to ensure equitable and quality health care through woreda transformation. This paper gives an overview of the transformation, spelling out the underlying goals as clearly and coherently as possible. The stages in this process are business, management, planning, strategy, marketing. RESEARCH METHDOLOGY 3. conflict sensitivity into NRM planning processes through community dialogue in Gumbi Bordede woreda, and conducted a multi-agency workshop to build the capacity of government actors to utilize conflict early warning and rapid response system in Gursum woreda. May 4, 2021 · 7. member households in Adea Woreda are more likely to use health care services than non CBHI member households in the same Woreda. For example Transformations: Translations (slides) A translation is a transformation whose points are all the same relative distance from the pre-image and which is pointing in the same direction. It also provides details on The second health sector transformation plan (HSTP-II) is the sector's five years' strategic plan from 2020/21-24/25(GC). squarespace. “ Digital transformation is the changes associated with the application of digital technology in all aspects of human society, “ [Digital transformation] involves a change in leadership, different thinking, the encouragement of innovation and new business Oct 2, 2020 · Interactive PowerPoint for GCSE Maths: covers translation, reflection, rotation and enlargement. Mar 27, 2012 · The document discusses different types of energy: mechanical energy which is energy from moving objects; sound energy which is a type of mechanical energy; chemical energy which is stored in substances due to chemical bonds; heat energy which comes from molecular motion; electric energy from the flow of electrons; light energy which is a form of radiant energy; and how energy can transform . In Ethiopia, there is prior experience in developing medium term WASH plans (GTP1 & 2) from national to local levels (region & woreda). Presenting Cost Of Business Transformation PowerPoint Presentation Slides. These conditions are generally found in the data that are whole numbers and cover a wide range of values. WOREDA BASED HEALTH SECTOR ANNUAL CORE PLAN EFY 2012 2019/20 2 The Woreda -Based Health Sector Planning Process The health sector in collaboration with all stakeholders has exercised “Top-down and Bottom-Up” Planning approach using Woreda-Based Health Sector Plan (WBHSP). 1 Introduction to Linear Transformations4. D. This deck comprises total of 20 slide designs. cont---- • The Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP) is the next five-year national health sector strategic plan • It covers Ethiopian Five Years 2013-2018 EC • It has been prepared by conducting in-depth situational assessment and performance evaluation of HSDPs; • The plan considering global situation and the country’s global commitment; and most importantly, the goals of the Mar 13, 2018 · The Connected Woreda Program stipulates that the health data transformation should start at the health facility level, expand to the woreda, and then advance into the overall health system. We will discuss dilations later. Facility-based health promotion health facilities throughout the country. Sc. HSTP II (2020/21 – 2024/25 (GC) (2013 – 2017 EFY) By Independent Review Team 8th May – 30thJune 2023 Addis Ababa, 20 July 2023 ETHIOPIA HEALTH SECTOR TRANSFORMATION PLAN Design, Implement and follow up of Woreda Transformation Agenda; Support regions in Implementing Primary Health Care Programs; 2. Because transformation design is about applying design skills in non- traditional Transformation Plan (GTP-II) of the country The Health Sector mainly demands to bring a better result of health outcomes and impacts through ensuring dramatic change on i) equity and quality health care, ii) information revolution, iii) Woreda transformation and iv) Caring, Respectful and Compassionate health workforce Basic Services Program (BSP), implemented at regional, woreda and kebele levels, to ensure quality and accountability while providing social services to the communities. Figure 11: Level of start‑up capital for baltina, by woreda (in Birr), 36 Figure 12: Value chain for baltina agro‑processing 37 Figure 13: Distribution (in percent) of input costs for baltina, by woreda 38 Figure 14: Donkey cart service in ATJK 40 Figure 15: Start‑up capital for animal‑drawn carts, by woreda (in Birr) 41 Transformation approach The market will not wait until an internal transformation is finalized, a long lasting internal transformation with high risk of not delivering is not advisable. Writing translations If we want to say that the shape gets moved 30 Units in the "X" direction, and 40 Units in the "Y" direction, we can write: This says Oct 13, 2014 · Photo trip report from a visit to identify farmer research groups in the Sinana woreda Innovation Platform (Oromia), 18-19 June 2014 - Download as a PDF or view online for free Jul 14, 2021 · This is a digital transformation ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. 271). Pacific Networks Pacific NetworksCELL TRANSFORMATION 06 04 It is important that transformation characteristics be included when a cell line is validated to determine whether it originates from neoplastic cells or has undergone transformation in culture. Transformation occurs when bacteria take up free DNA from their surroundings. It identifies strategic priorities and objectives for improving health status, expanding Jul 26, 2021 · Features of these PowerPoint presentation slides: Presenting transformation plan PowerPoint presentation designs. SBCC quality assurance. 6 - 2 4. . Grab this 100% custom complete deck replete with 17 PPT slides. Woreda Transformation is an aspiration to see a transformed Ethiopia in each woreda (district) with household having all essential (basics) necessities of modern world of 21st century. 200. 20. Explaining the ambitious goals of the HSTP, Dr. woreda health office in alignment with its core managerial functions; and (5) introduction of a quarterly performance review process at the woreda level where diverse stakeholders from across each woreda came together for a structured, supportive peer-review of woreda performance based on the management standards and KPIs. Some bacteria have the natural ability to undergo transformation, while others can be artificially induced to become competent through chemical treatments or electroporation. To measure progress towards these objectives, HSTP-II has set ambitious but realistic targets that are aligned with national 10 years development plan Information Revolution and Woreda transformation) combined with the Compassionate Respectful Caring (CRC) initiative by health care providers. The Caring, Respectful and Compassionate (CRC) health workforce 60 Transformation Plan (GTP-II) of the country The Health Sector mainly demands to bring a better result of health outcomes and impacts through ensuring dramatic change on i) equity and quality health care, ii) information revolution, iii) Woreda transformation and iv) Caring, Respectful and Compassionate health workforce Health Sector Transformation Plan 2020/21 - 2024/25 (HSTP-II) aims to build on the successes of the HSTP-I period (July 2015 June 2020) and incorporating the lessons from its implementation. Four transformation agendas were implemented during HSTP-I: 1) Woreda Transformation, 2) Information Revolution, 3) Transformation in Quality & Equity, and Mar 20, 2024 · Health sector transformation agendas • To achieve the targets set, the HSTP has identified four interrelated transformation agendas for this strategic period. Î Woreda health office head and deputy, Î 2 Representatives from each of the health center in the woreda, Î 1 Representative from governing boards of each of the health centers in the woreda. The second version of the National Gender Mainstreaming Manual has been in effect since its launch in 2014, which the concept has been introduced and scaled up across the health sector; governments under the Woreda Transformation agenda. To measure progress towards these objectives, HSTP-II has set ambitious but realistic targets that are aligned with national 10 years development plan Health sector transformation agendas • To achieve the targets set, the HSTP has identified four interrelated transformation agendas for this strategic period. Dec 5, 2022 · This study was carried out as a systematic review to assess youth aspirations, the context of agroecology, and development interventions for youth livelihood transformation in the Miesso district this woreda has a total population of 271,018 of whom 138,282 are men and 132,736 were women;50,032 or 8. Data was collected through surveys of 144 households across two kebeles. Members of Adea CBHI scheme were Nov 9, 2021 · 2. The crop produce in the woreda are, sorghum, maize, chat and Government of Ethiopia’s 2015/16 - 2019/20 Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP). Digital Transformation PowerPoint Presentation Templates and Google Slides These Digital Transformation PowerPoint presentation templates have been designed keeping in view the importance of this topic. Learnings For the sustainability woreda need to be the focus and interventions need to be aligned with the Woreda transformation agenda. The system broadly followed the administrative structures of the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) and regional health May 16, 2014 · The document summarizes a meeting to initiate an Innovation Platform in Sinana Woreda, Ethiopia by the Africa RISING project. coli cells and It modifies the bacterial cell wall to Feb 20, 2018 · The document discusses different types of geometric transformations including translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations. 12,13 However, the performance of its primary healthcare system has been challenged as primary care professionals at the decentralized levels have struggled to absorb the new management roles and Sep 1, 2020 · A woreda is an administrative division in Ethiopia managed by a local government, equivalent to a district with an average population of 100,000. The first milestone of the effort to integrate a range of initiatives under one plan and one budget and adoption of a system of collective oversight is now in towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC), protecting people from emergencies, creating Woreda transformation and making the health system responsive to people’s needs and expectations. It sets ambitious system activity progress, health facility score, and woreda transformation progress through Ethiopian Primary Health Care Alliance for Quality (EPAQ), Ethiopian Hospital Alliance for Quality (EHAQ), Primary Health Care Unit (PHCU) level performance review meeting (PRM) organized at woreda, PHL, and HC level. Everyone is keen to have a decent income and a habitable house or adequate shelter as well as get herself/himself and children educated and live long. Quality improvement in health institutions has been exercised in different institutions and hospitals with support from the partners’ organization Dec 6, 2011 · 25. 1. A Transformation Map is a visual representation of the strategic planning and execution process. This is a one stage process. Step 1: Welcome participants: The introduction sets the tone. A recently published review of CARE’s Community Score Card The Woreda level Amare conciliators are responsible to assist those who work at Kebele to keep the verdict of justice in motion in case of serious and horrible homicide. Nov 9, 2015 · Ethiopia launched its ambitious five-year Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP) at the opening of the 17th Annual Review Meeting of the Health Sector that was in session 28 October 2015 in Adama Town. Laplace transform is a powerful transformation tool, which literally transforms the original differential equation into an elementary algebraic expression. Home; →; Ministry of Health-Ethiopia; →; General reference materials FAO organizational chart; Regional Office for Africa; Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific; Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia; Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean 2 What is a transformation? A TRANSFORMATION is a term used to describe four specific ways to move shapes. emergencies; Woreda transformation and Improve health system responsiveness. A Transformation Map include all the important elements of successful strategic change – goals, actions, milestones, timelines, results, and impact. For example, a woreda in which each facility is classified as a ‘Model facility’ is accredited as ‘Model Woreda’ —which means it’s accessing and WOREDA-BASED COSTED MULTISECTORAL PLAN The planning process for developing the woreda-based multisectoral nutrition investment plans included the following steps: · Situational analysis of each woreda · Planning workshops at woreda and zonal level · Verification of the woreda and zonal level plans by the regional sectors health sector transformation plan (HSTP II). It discusses progress made on the Health Sector Transformation Plan, including woreda (district) transformation, increasing access to health information, improving compassion among health professionals, and enhancing quality and equity in health services. This PowerPoint template is perfectly designed to create a detailed strategic plan to encourage people to embrace the new HR culture. Apr 17, 2016 · There are three main ways bacteria exchange DNA: conjugation, transduction, and transformation. 11. Kedida Gamella woreda has 17 rural kebeles. The transformation status must be known when culturing cells from tumours, in order to cycle costed woreda plans with the leadership of the government.
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